Monday, July 7, 2014

Own the Word Beautiful

Own the Word Beautiful. 
       Beauty is not something that we can buy. It is not something we can purchase at a store or makeup counter. 
Beauty is something that comes from the heart.

Contrary to what clothing companies and the beauty industry want us to think- beauty can’t be purchased because beauty is something we already own:  

  • Your smile
  • Your laugh
  • Your compassion for others
  • Your intelligence
  • Your talents 
those are the things that make you beautiful. It’s time we start remembering that. Once we realize that beauty comes from inside, we become unstoppable.  

Why? Because then we don’t need to be validated by anyone and we are free to grow into our truest and best selves. 

In the dictionary (Merriam Webster) the first definition under “beauty” is, “the quality of being physically attractive.” That’s the issue; our culture has defined beauty in a superficial way. 

With magazines flooding the shelves in checkout lines with covers that read, “10 best beauty products you’ll LOVE." and “Get a beautiful booty for summer now!” Plus, commercials that show “perfect” faces, due to retouching and editing while encouraging us to buy a face scrub to achieve the same look, it’s really no wonder we are trained to think beauty is only on the outside.

From the time we were little we were told, “You look pretty in that dress.” and “You look beautiful in those shoes.” We were never told, “You were beautiful in the way you competed in that spelling bee.” 


I know that last statement sounds a little funky? But why should it? It shouldn’t sound strange to say, “You were beautiful the way you completed those 36 push-ups!” Once again, it sounds weird but doesn’t it create depth? Doesn’t the new compliment actually mean something more?  

We have to look at ourselves and each other with this NEW definition of the word beauty. 
We have to look inside ourselves to truly see what makes us uniquely beautiful.
Then...we have to OWN IT! 

G4G and Tinamarie

We hope you join us next Monday for another post!


  1. You were beautiful in the way you wrote that, Tinamarie...

    1. Thank you so much beauty full!!!! That’s very kind of you to say!!
