Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Religious Freedom & Womanhood

Religious Freedom & Womanhood

Religious Freedom! Women’s health! Religious Rights! Women’s Rights! 

First, let us introduce ourselves - we are G4G, which stands for Girls 4 God. We are an organization that wants to help, support, encourage and empower ALL girls and women! No girl should ever feel inferior, it's time to change that.
G4G is about helping girls and women:
  1. Know they’re beautiful inside and out
  2. Love themselves exactly as they were created to be
  3. Heal from past hurt
  4. Grow in faith
  5. Be empowered
So where do we stand on the whole God thing? Here’s what we stand by: 
  1. G4G is for EVERYONE, not just people who identify as spiritual or religious
  2. God and spirituality is all about discovering and exploring who God is, and who we are in God
  3. Faith is a journey; and it's a journey that we are not going to bog down with hot button issues, or media hype
  4. G4G is a place for dialogue (not debate) about faith and spirituality
We live in a world where our identities are created by separation: a liberal OR a conservative, popular OR unpopular, DreamWorks OR Disney, ketchup OR mustard...and most importantly to us, person of faith OR feminist. We as women of ANY faith (faith in science, Islam, completely unsure, Christianity, Judaism, Seeking, Buddhism, Hinduism...) are often faced with this dilemma; we often have to choose between our faith ideals and our feminist ideals. 

On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled “that the government cannot force certain employers to pay for birth control (1)” I personally believe in religious freedom and women’s health - but that’s not even the tip of the ice burg when it comes to that conversation.  What now? Am I a bad feminist? Am I a bad Christian? Should I just stop reading the news altogether? 

Well guess what?! At G4G we embrace confusion and uncertainty. With us, you don’t have to choose a side. It’s hard being a woman and a person of faith sometimes. But we have to take the negativity out of the complexity. Our views on womanhood and faith are beautifully complexed. We see beauty in complexity and difficult questions because that how we get closer to our God or our truths, and our best selves. 

We hope you join us every MONDAY right here on our blog for a powerful, heartfelt and honest post. Topics that range from:
  • self-confidence
  • faith
  • the way women are portrayed in the media 
  • bullying
  • ALL women’s issues (sexual assault, health, cat-calling)
  • ALL relationships (friendship, romantic, family)
G4G and Tinamarie (G4G Founder)  


Works Cited
(1) Peters, Jeremy, and Michael Shear. "A Ruling That Both Sides Can Run With." The New York Times 1 July 2014: A1. Print.

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