Friday, December 30, 2011

Pic 2

*And don't forget it! 

Picture taken off Google images, website link is


Monday, December 26, 2011

Be Brave.

Be brave.
     Honestly, this is the best piece of advice I've ever been given.

For the past two posts I've been talking about how it's time for us as girls and women, to start loving ourselves, but I also understand that doing that is not always an easy thing to do. Recently, I've been asking myself this question....
Am I brave enough?

Am I brave enough to love myself?

And that is the question I want to ask you...
                                are you brave enough to love yourself?

Are you brave enough to ignore your own insecurities?
 Are you brave enough to say no to drugs?
 Are you brave enough to say no when a guy is pushing you to do something you're not ready for? 
Are you brave enough stand up for yourself?
 Are you brave enough to say yes to positive opportunities in your life? 
Are you brave enough to ignore negative comments that are said about you?
Are you brave enough to start loving yourself exactly as you are?

I also know that you might be thinking, "Well Tinamarie, you don't know what I've done," or "You don't know what I look like," or "You don't know what I am like!" 
And you're right, I don't know who you are, or what you've done, or what you look like; but I DO know that every girl on this planet has potential. I know that every single girl put on this earth was placed here for a reason.

In Isiah 64:8 it talks about how God is the potter, and we are the clay. 
"Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, 
you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."  

I believe each and EVERY girl is a creation by God, and it KILLS me to see the media portray women in such a negative light. It KILLS me to see women being degraded on TV, and in music videos because
 I believe every girl on this earth is a masterpiece!

I am a masterpiece.
YOU are a masterpiece.

As women of America, we need to start believing that. 

You're Beautiful Pic 1

Picture taken from off Google Images

Thursday, December 22, 2011

There Could Never Be a More Beautiful You!

There could never be a more beautiful you.
It took me a while to really get this concept, and I don't know if I "get it" all the time, but take a second to really think about that statement. 
 There could never be a more beautiful you

Isn't that an amazing thought? The fact that I am the only Tinamarie Stolz who will ever be, and you are the only you there ever will be too! Who is the media, a mean person in your life, or a magazine, to tell you that you are not skinny enough, or your butt isn't Kardashian enough, or your skin isn't clear enough, or your teeth aren't white enough? As a Christian I believe that God made each and every one of us by hand. I believe that God took the time to 
                                                          make us,
                                       to mold us,                                         slkjdf dsljfkdand design us 
and if the Creator of the universe did all that, we are a creation to be proud of!

There will never be another person out there exactly like you. We need to stop trying to be like women who are "better looking" then us, and focus on being the best individuals we can be! 
The next time we see something, or think something that makes us feel a bit insecure, we need to remember
There could never be a more beautiful US!  


Friday, December 16, 2011

It's time.

To all the girls who feel less than.
To all the girlfriends who don't think they're pretty enough.
To all the women who feel inadequate.
To moms, aunts, cousins, and grandmas who want to set a good, powerful example for the young women in their lives.
To all the girls who hate what they see in the mirror.
To all the girls who look at a "hotter" girl and think, "I wish I looked like that."
To all the girls who define themselves by the scale.
To all the girls who compare themselves to magazine covers. 
It's time. 
It's time we take back the word beautiful. It's time we start feeling good again. 
It's time.
It's time to stop comparing ourselves to magazine covers, and celebrities. 

It's time to start loving ourselves again, exactly as we are.
Hi, my  name is Tinamarie Stolz. I'm a college student, a girlfriend, a best friend, a Resident Assistant and a Christian. I'm writing this blog because I am so sick and tired of seeing girls hurt. I am so tired of seeing the young women I know have low self esteem because of photoshopped magazine covers, explicit pictures and ads, guys, and sometimes even insecure female figures in their lives. This blog is for any woman out there who has ever felt insecure, or inferior, and wants to do something about it.
We need to unite. We need to help each other STOP believing the lies that mean people, the media and sometimes even people close to us are saying. 
In case anyone hasn't told you, you're beautiful. 
In case anyone hasn't mentioned it, you're strong.
In case anyone hasn't let you know, you're brave. 

I want to invite you on a journey with me, and together we can change things because
No girl should ever feel less than. 
It's time to change that. 

Picture above has been taken from Google Images