Friday, June 1, 2012

Perfection vs Excellence

            This topic is so vast I could blog about it for years. 

Let's be honest: we all strive for it. However, this idea of being perfect is a damaging one. Let's be real: there is so much pressure to be perfect. I know this because two days ago I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "Tinamarie, it's okay not to be perfect." WHAT A RELIEF!  
To be a perfect woman in today's world takes on a whole lot of crazy. To be perfect we must have/be...
  • a super career
  • be super mom
  • perfect body
  • popular in school
  • best on the team
  • all A's (no A-'s don't count!)
  • president of every club
  • have the perfect man
  • perfect cloths
  • And if you're a Christian you're not allowed to "sin" because "you're a Christian you can't do/say that!"
It's a nightmare. Trying to be perfect is stressful, and it takes so much anxious energy. Honestly, trying to be perfect is exhausting

To get to the core of this perfection problem we have to first ask ourselves: what areas of my life do I want to be perfect in, and why? This is going to take a lot of heart and honesty. For example: "I want to have the perfect body because I want guys to look at me the way they look at other girls (this was one I had to live with for part of my life)." Or "I want to be the best on the team so everyone will like me." I know, thoughts like this even if they're deep down, are hard to admit; but, we can't love ourselves if we don't face why we don't love ourselves first. It's like we try to be perfect, because once we are THEN we can love ourselves. If we perfect we have permission to love ourselves. But we will never be perfect. And that's okay to love ourselves even if we have flaws. If you know a person without flaws I swear they're probably an alien!!! :-) 

Maybe you're thinking, "I want to be the perfect mom because my kids deserve it." Or "I want the perfect resume so I can go to an excellent college and get an excellent job." Those things are good to strive for and great to want, but where is the line between striving for perfection and striving for excellence? Striving for excellence means giving whatever your going for your best shot. Excellence is giving 100%, and if you make a mistake you get right back up and try again. Perfection is measuring ourselves to such a high standard that it is not healthy to meet. Perfectionism is self destructive, and makes you crazy. To be honest, I don't like who I am when I'm trying to be perfect. I get all anxious, frustrated, annoyed and upset with myself. I don't want to live like that. 
What I'm really trying to get at here is that being perfect is not possible, and not fun. Life is too short to be perfect. Also, I think you're awesome just the way you are!

**What do you think about perfectionism? Comment below or on our Facebook page! 
I love hearing from you! 

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