Friday, March 2, 2012

Mom's Lullaby Started a Movement

"You are very special, there's no one quite like you,
created by the Master, God made you to be you.
You are very special exclusively designed. 
You are very special, and I'm so glad your mine,
You were hand made by God. He fashioned your heart,
you were hand made by God, unique in all your ways.
You were hand made by God. 
He knew you from the start."

I am a very lucky girl. My beautiful mom used to sing me that song every night before I went to sleep for years (and the night before I went to college). It was my song. I wanted to share this little lullaby with you because it had such a big impact on my life, and I hope that it can touch your heart too. 
As we grow up we begin to forget how special we are. It's almost like somehow the
love we have for ourselves gets ripped right out of us. 
It's like being special is a "kid thing."Somehow we forget that how unique and exceptional we are. Those positive thoughts seem to be drowned out, and I think this might be because we have this urge, this undying need to fit in
We sometimes forget that our hair is beautifulour eyes are amazing, our body is a temple. 
I think that are a few reasons we forget how wonderful we are. I feel that there is something to be said about the 3,000-5,000 advertisements we see as American women everyday, the type of sexually explicit TV and we tend to watch/listen to, and the way we as women treat or are in competition against one another. 

Whatever the reason is, it's relentless. Advertisers are relentless in what they will put out there to get us to buy stuff. Mean girls are relentless in their attacks, and comments. TV is relentless in what they will air. 

This means that we have to be relentless too! 

So let's start a   m o v e m e n t. 
No, I'm serious...let's start a movement. Let's MOVE towards the light, let's MOVE towards feeling beautiful, let's MOVE towards being joyful, and letting Jesus fill us up inside. Let us MOVE towards peace, and healing. Start a movement today! How do we do that?!? We can start a movement by reminding, reinforcing, and leading by example
Just like my moms simple lullaby started a movement in my life. That song was relentless for good in my heart.    
Never underestimate the little things, because they tend to mean the most.   
Remind your daughter or sister that she's beautiful INSIDE and out. Show her how to love herself by example. This will reinforce positive values that she's going to see from her biggest, strongest role!  Remind you cousin that she is worth so much to you by sending her a quick text, or call her up. Remind you mom how special she is when you see her. Remind your aunt how positive and strong she is. Maybe write a note saying, "You're so awesome! I love ya!" and stick it in a friends locker.
That starts a movement in their hearts.
If we want change, it begins with us. 
It begins with you
Start a movement! 

*How are YOU going to start a movement?!?!?!
Remember, by the grace of God how powerful you are! 
"Do little things with great love." ~Mother Teresa 

This posting is also a podcast if you would like to check it out at!/user/g4gyourebeautiful/mom_s_lullaby_started_a_movement

*Thanks mom and Aunt Sue!

1 comment:

  1. may I ask what the tune is for your Mom's lullaby. I LOVE the words
