Thursday, March 8, 2012

Make a Difference!

I am so excited for this post today!!! I am excited because a wonderful, beautiful, and strong woman named Sarah was courageous, and wanted to share her story to help build the G4G community support system! Thank you so much Sarah for sharing this touching story with us; it is truly inspiring. 
"One of my biggest fears as a mother is that my children will grow up with the same extremely low sense of self worth that I have struggled with for as long as I can remember. It took me a very long time, and a lot of reprogramming to start to see myself as having strengths, let alone some value as a person. But how could I go about teaching my kids to have something I didn't even know how to have myself?

The answer just fell into my lap. My 3 year old daughter was watching my mother put on make up. When they were done, she came proudly into the kitchen batting her eyes so I could see her glittery eye shadow and blowing kisses so I could see her lip gloss. She told me that they were wearing make up so they could be beautiful. I told her that they were already beautiful and were wearing makeup to feel glamorous. Whenever something like this happened (a new headband, some nail polish, new shoes) and my daughter said that now she was beautiful I reminded her that she was already beautiful, and these things made her look sparkly, or feel happy. I didn't even notice when she stopped saying it. A few days ago we were in the car driving towards her school (she is now 4 1/2) and my son (who is 2 1/2) told me he liked my hat, and now I looked beautiful. My daughter piped up from the very back of the van and said, like it was very obvious, that I didn't need a hat to be beautiful. I was beautiful anyways. I thanked her and tucked that little moment away into my heart. Apparently she's been listening all along."
You can make a difference. Honestly, every time you try to bring somebody's spirit up, (whether that be a loved one, or a stranger) you ARE making a difference. I think that we sometimes feel that to help someone: grow, heal, learn, or make a positive change, we have to walk on water, and control lighting bolts with our hands; but that's not true. 
It's the little things you do and say, that truly  make an impact.  
Mother Teresa once said, "Do little things with great love." We need to remember when it comes to building up the girls and women in our lives, it's the little things that count. 
NEVER underestimate how powerful a note that says, "I think you're awesome!" in a locker or lunch box can be
-NEVER underestimate how powerful a drive by compliment of "Hey, I thought your presentation in class was really good!" can be
-NEVER underestimate how powerful a, "You know, I think you're a really great person. I just thought I'd share that with you." can be 

Yes, sometimes it's a little awkward to say things like that. Yes, sometimes people don't alway respond how we want them to, but when you say those things, or write those things, you are building someone up. YOU are changing the world for the better. 
Love someone; that way, they can see how to love themselves.
Philippians 2:13
 "For it is God who works in you, to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."

**Do YOU have a story to share about self-worth, self-love, self-respect, bullying, or body image? If you do, please feel free to e-mail your story to OR message G4G on Facebook at

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