Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dear Society

Dear Society,
       How are you? I'm not doing so great since I have to write you this letter. I think there are somethings that you need to know. I think that we could get along much better, if your just hear me out. I know somethings that are going to be said might offend you Society, but if we are every going to get through this, we are going to have to hash this out. 
      Firstly Society, you messed up the definition of a woman. Being a woman does not mean that we are beautiful on the outside. Being a woman means we're strong and beautiful on the inside; right where it counts. Society, you use the media as a way to stereotype us, and lie to us about our worth as women. Sure, one inappropriate ad doesn't sound like it will be damaging, but what happens when we see the same false, superficial standard of beauty for years and years and years???? What happens when you portray women as sex objects in movies and TV shows for years and years?? Society, sadly we have started to believe you and your lies, but we're NOT going to take it anymore! 
     Secondly Society, I can't take this "perfect body" thing anymore. You tell girls that are small framed and skinny that they don't have enough curves, or big enough boobs. Yet, you tell bigger girls that they are fat. Have your forgotten that doctors decide what a healthy weight is? You don't have the power to decide what a "good weight" is! We are TIRED of listening to what you have to say about our bodies!! If there is a girl out there, who is naturally super skinny, G4G and all of our members are going to  support her in who she is. If there is a girl out there whose not built small, G4G and all our members, are going support her in who she is too! Society, my body is a temple, and I will respect it. 
    Society, you tell women that we have to be perfect. You tell us we have to be dumber then our man, but smarter than every other girl. You tell us that we are sex objects. You tell us that if we need to have sex to please/keep a boyfriend.You tell us we have to look like your version of a "perfect 10", and act like your version of perfect girl. AND if we don't, you say we need to change. You say we need to change our noses with sugary. You say we need to get a boob job if we're flat chested. You say we need a tummy tuck to reach those "perfect abs." You tell us to buy beauty products, diet pills, and other products because we need to achieve YOUR standard of beauty. 
This ends today.
     Society, G4G, and the members of G4G are TAKING A STAND! Here at G4G we know that to beat you, and to REALLY make a change in this world for girls and women everywhere, we have to change ourselves first, and our way of thinking about ourselves first! To take a stand against your standards Society, we are going to...

  1. Love ourselves EXACTLY as we are! Self improvement is a positive thing when it comes from wanting to be the best version of ourselves possible, in the healthiest mental/physical/emotional way possible!
  2. Start valuing personality traits above looks in ourselves and others!
  3. Stop comparing ourselves to others!
  4. Start positive self talk EVERYDAY! We are going to counteract negative talk with positive talk. Every time you think something negative about yourself, say THREE positive things about yourself! :) 
Society, I know things can get better. I have faith that G4G, and the members of G4G can help. Change will come with time, love, hope, and persistence.
G4G and Tinamarie 
P.S Society, don't forget...You're Beautiful!!! 
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