Friday, August 31, 2012


Transitions can be tough. By definition "transition" means "to change", and if you are anything like hate change. Change has always made me extremely anxious. There are also many types of transitions you could be going through. You could be transitioning to a new school, job, team, or group of friends. Since the new school year has just begun (or about to begin) I think that transitions are a really important thing to start thinking about. 

Whenever I transition into something new I get very nervous, and tense. I feel like I'm not ready. I feel like I'm going to mess up, and not be able to handle it. It's like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. I find that when I transition into a new part of my life self-doubt starts to set in. My personal self-doubt sounds something like this:
Can I do this? I can do I can't do this. What if I mess up? I can't handle this. I'm not as good as these people. Can I do this? I can....'t do this! What if they don't like me? I'm going to fail. Who am I anyway? I don't want to do this anymore. AHHHHHHHH!!!!

Transitions mean change, and change means something new. When faced with a new transition we sometimes panic because we don't have any experience with it. But that is where confidence comes in. When you have confidence in yourself you can succeed through any transition, because...
  1. Confidence means you are willing to work hard
  2. Confidence means you are okay with making mistakes, owning them, and learning from them
  3. Confidence means you know how talented you are, and that you CAN and WILL be successful
  4. Confidence means you stick to your values
When we transition into new lifestyles such as middle school to high school, high school to college, college to a job, or a job to another job, it becomes SO easy to lose sight of who we truly are, and what values we have. When we transition we can feel alone and vulnerable, but hold on to your values. Your values determine your actions, and your actions help develop and determine who you are. Being in a new part of life doesn't mean changing the wonderful things about you. Don't try to fit in to a mold because you want room to grow! 
If you are struggling with a new transition here is what I really want to say to you.

Dear G4G Member,

        Today is your first day of your new transition! You are going to do fantastic. Remember, don’t be intimidated by your boss/teacher because you’re smart. Don’t be intimated by your peers either, because you are an original, and there is no one quite like you. I know it might be scary, and you’re not sure what to expect, but always know that you grow the most when you are out of your comfort zone. Through this experience you will start to find yourself, and see who you truly are. Be the best you can be, and make good choices because they will only benefit you in the long run. “You are braver than you believe, smarter than you seem, and stronger than you think!”GOOD LUCK!!!!
Lots of love,
- G4G and Tinamarie

*What transition are you going through right now? How are doing? How do you cope with it? Comment below!!!! 

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