Friday, August 10, 2012

Say Good-Bye

A new school year is starting soon, and I just wished my little sister off to college before going back myself. Yes...I'm very sad, BUT even though that good-bye wasn't happy, it's got me thinking about when good-byes are positive. 

I think it might be time to say good-bye. 

Say good-bye to insecurity, self-hate, anxiety, mean comments, anger, jealousy, bad relationships, and anything negative in your life. I am horrible at good-byes (you can ask anyone I graduated high school with). But that's a different kind of good-bye. The kind I'm talking about is more about cleansing

Sometimes I feel caught up in my own negativity. It's like I'm sitting in a rain cloud, and everywhere I look I only see the gloominess. When that gloominess sets in, it's time to say (as hard as it may be), "GOOD-BYE NEGATIVE THING, AND DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT!!!" 
I'm not saying ignore problems because that won't get us anywhere. I'm saying say good-bye to negativity. The only way to conquer negativity is to say good-bye to it. Because when you do, you take back control of the situation.  

There are a whole bunch of ways to do this. I personally do this through prayer. When I sit in the morning and listen to positive music, and read my bible I find that I gain control of my negativity. I try my best to give the negative to God, and deal with the reality of my situation with the strength I regained from that time with God. When I pray I feel like God reminds me of how strong I am. Never forget how strong you are! I also think that talking about it to a friend or family member, and letting all the negativity out helps clear the way. As corny as it might seem, I put Post-Its around my room saying happy things when I want to get rid of a negative thing in life! You could post at G4G's Facebook page or comment below, our community would love to support you in anything you need support though.
At the end of the day, there are three steps to defeating the negativity in life...
Say good-bye, walk away, 
and don't look back. 

G4G and Tinamarie  

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