Sunday, January 1, 2012


You know what makes me crazy more than almost anything else in this world?
When "girl power" is defined as a woman who has some sort of "sexual power." 
I just looked up "Girl Power" to see if I could find an inspiring picture to put at the bottom of this blog. Cute right? Who doesn't like an inspiring picture? I personally love inspiring pictures! On my search, I came across "Power Girl" and I thought, "Oh this is great! I would love to have something like Power Girl on the blog!"
But when I clicked on the link, I found this...

Really? This is Power Girl and Super Girl?
I'm not saying that her character isn't bold, or strong. I'm not saying she's totally, and completely horrible, but why does she need to be "sexy" to be be powerful? Isn't her superhero strength, and superhero character good enough?

I think that today, as girls and women, we have this idea that being sexy gives us power. 
We sometimes feel that when we look good, and get attention for it, that we are some how powerful. This is true even when we watch TV shows; isn't the most powerful, popular girl always the "prettiest" one?

Looks do not equal power. 
Power is when a girl stands up and says, "I'm leaving, you can't hit me anymore."
Power is when a girl turns off an sexually explicit, or degrading music video. 
Power is when a girl says, "I'm not going to believe what this magazine says about my hair, or body."
Power is when a girl says, "Yes, I'm going to go for this opportunity even though I'm scared."

Power comes from within. 

YOU have power over what you think about yourself.
YOU have the power to be confident this 2012!
Men do not have power over you!
Magazine do not have power over you!
Mean people don't have power over you!

Incase any hasn't told you,
                                           you are powerful.

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." ~Alice Walker


  1. Agreed! I think most people have the order confused. They think you need to be sexy and hot and pretty to be powerful and empowered. But the order is backwards! Being powerful and strong and courageous and believing in yourself....THAT makes you sexy, and pretty, and hot. I'm not gonna lie, of course I want people to think I'm pretty and whatever. I think all girls do. But all that superficial stuff is secondary to the awesome you that lives in your heart. Powerful is what you are, not what you look like!

    Awesome blog, darling. Cheers me up every day and gives me the strength to say, "Yeah! I'm me, and that's ok! I'm perfectly imperfect!"

    You rock!

    1. YOU ROCK!!!! Thank you for your kind words and support. Honestly, the fact that you feel happy when you read G4G makes me SO SO HAPPY (now we're BOTH happy together!!!) I really liked what you had to say about "awesome" being inside your heart. That is FANTASTIC! Thank you thank you thank YOU for your support, I can not express my gratitude in words!

  2. This blog will be a blessing for many people.
    Even a stranger from the tiny island of Singapore would read it and smile. :)

    Well done. Way to go!

    1. Well New Friend from Singapore, THANK YOU for your support. Honestly, it means the world to me that beautiful women across the globe are reading G4G!!!!! I felt like God was calling to start this, and because of beautiful and amazing and supportive women like YOU I am truly blessed. Thank you so much!

  3. couldn't agree more with this post. I think its sad that the media emphasizes our looks and make up before our intelligence. WE ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN A PRETTY FACE!

    1. Thank you SO SO MUCH g4gsupporter! Honestly, the support is amazing, and I appreciate it so much! You are so right; we are so much more than pretty faces, and make up should not be before intelligence! Thank you SO MUCH again!

  4. Dear Anonymous,
    You're right in the fact that this character is not a real person, but it is a reflection of societal thinking. A big problem with the way the media portrays women is that it's a repetitious "ideal" image, and Power Girl is an example of that. You most certainly have the right to your own opinion, but I hope this cleared some things up!

  5. Excellent post! I don't think a woman needs to turn off sexually explicit or "degrading" videos to be strong, but this post nails it on the head. Especially the parts about leaving abusive people and not believing what magazines say. Those things exist because PEOPLE WANT YOUR MONEY. Of course they want you to feel like dirt.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Thank you so much!! You’re totally right, companies want your money so they want you to feel like dirt.
      Power is an interesting concept to think about. Especially when getting specific into “Girl Power.” I often think about what “Girl Power” TRULY means. What does “Girl Power” mean to you?
