Friday, July 27, 2012

The Weight Issue

The issue of weight is a VERY complicated one because it has so many intertwining layers. I've been thinking about this topic for a while, and this topic was also suggested by a G4G member on the survey!

We all have our own issues with weight. We can feel too fat, or too skinny. We can feel like we are pudgy, boney, plump, scrawny, or unfit. Sometimes I feel bad for my body because at times it takes some seriously unfair emotional abuse via my thoughts. No matter who we are, or what we weigh, most of us have some problem with our weight. Here are 3 idea I've really been thinking about, and I want to know what YOU think!  

1. Our culture is obsessed with being thin because we think thin = beauty
I truly believe that this is the cause of the weight issue. We think that being thin makes us beautiful, and being fat makes us ugly. We judge ourselves by the scale. We base our self-worth on weight. How could we not, when a large majority of the media focuses on being thin, and the thinness of others? I'm going to estimate that 99% of women's magazines have some sort of new diet or "lose 10 pounds in 2 days" article. Take a look at the magazine cover below. It SHOWS you the "best" beach bodies, and the "worst" beach bodies. It shows you a clear comparison between the "best" and the "worst" bodies. It tells you that you can't be too skinny, and you can't be too big. 
There is a big difference between magazine articles that show how to get in shape, and healthy recipes, and magazine articles that body shame. The cover above body shames. 

2. We don't know what a healthy weight is
"I'm a healthy weight. That might be a little wired for Hollywood." - Zooey Deschanel 
We are bombarded with image after image after image of ideal beauty, and one part of the ideal beauty is being thin. But not a healthy thin. Take a look at these models. I can not image the pressure they feel to be thin. There is no way this is healthy for them.
It's about being healthy. Ask yourself, "How do I feel?" If you're eating good foods that help your body, and exercising to make your body strong, then I really think you're doing great. If you are really concerned about your weight talk to your doctor. If your doctor wants you to lose weight, or gain weight for health reasons then do so in a positive way. 

3. Warfare 

We have declared warfare on our bodies and each other. Extreme diets, unnecessary surgery, eating unhealthy things rage war on our bodies. When I really got to reflecting on it, we sometimes not very kind to our bodies in our thoughts or actions. I think it might be time that we start treating our bodies with respect. But here is the really big issue. We judge each other on weight. We make assumptions about others because of their weight. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard, "She's a skinny bitc*" or "Well, she's just miserable because she's fat." How rude are both of those statements?! Let's be real. If we see a woman with a "better figure,"sometimes our first reaction is to cut them down in some way (even if it's not intentional and only in our minds). When we see a woman who does not have the "perfect body" being confident in a certain kind of outfit we think, "Who does she think she is? She can't wear that!" We put so much importance on weight, and shape that we are mean to each other, and to ourselves.

When it comes to ourselves, we just need to treat our bodies with respect by eating healthy foods and excising. It's about taking care of us! Love yourself healthy! When it comes to others, we need to remember that weight does not make a person, personality does. 
G4G and Tinamarie

All images except for the very last one were taken from Google images.

 G4G does not take any credit for these photos. 
The last picture was taken from a book my mom gave me when I was 15. I still read that book to this day


  1. Tinamarie! What a wonderful post. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you so much!!! I appreciate your support!!!!!!!!

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    1. Thank you so much!!! I’m so happy you liked the post and found it helpful!
