Friday, July 20, 2012

Female Firefighter!

Hello Beautiful Strong Women out there!
     Today I am absolutely honored to have G4G member Kimberley write a post for us! I read her story, and I was absolutely inspired by Kim's strength though a really difficult time in her life. Her courage is absolutely uplifting. I hope her story inspires you as much as it has G4G!!!

"On April 30th 2011, I woke up to the devastating news that the night before, a friend I grew up with was killed in a car accident. He was only 17 years old. The following days were difficult. I found myself in absolute shock and crying sporadically. At the time I was in a 2 and a half year relationship [with my ex-boyfriend]. Two days later, we were on our way out to eat when a car cut us off, and went head first into a telephone pole. My instant reaction was to help. He wouldn't pull the car over until I forced him to. That moment was a breaking point for me. 

Three days later I put my application into the fire department that happened to be yards away from where the second accident occurred. Two of my closest friends had been first responders on the accident that had taken my friends life. Seeing the effect that it had on them was something indescribable. I felt compelled to help others. I realized that I had a larger purpose in my life, and it was not to live for myself. 

My boyfriend at the time did not support my decision because I would be surrounded by other men. I ended the relationship that week, giving me a new found independence and self respect. I refused to let someone who wasn't good for me, hold me back. 

The fire department has become an outlet for me. I have formed friendships with people that have had an amazing impact on my life. I finally entered into my training and certification class 9 months after I joined. From February to April, I trained two nights a week and every other Saturday for eight hours, on top of school, interning, and working. It was challenging and grueling. However, it was the most rewarding experience.

I found strength within myself that I never knew I had. I pushed and exceeded my limits. It was in this that I found what I was truly made of. A year to the day that my friend died, on April 30th 2012, I fulfilled my promise to him. It was on that night that I graduated Firefighter 1. With tears in my eyes I accepted my certificate and dedicated everything I had done, to him. I will continue to serve my community and help people for the rest of my life. I hope to one day be responsible for saving someone’s life."

Thank you so much Kim for sharing your story!!!!!! I admire your hard work, compassion, and bravery. 

NEVER let anyone hold you back from doing something you want to do. It could have been so easy for Kim to not join the fire department because of her relationship, but she didn't. She knew in her heart what she wanted to do. Kim is an independent and strong woman, and I am so so so so happy she shared her story with us. 

Do you want to share your story?
Feel free to e-mail us at
Your story can be about things you have overcome, what real beauty is etc. 
Also, you can remain completely anonymous. 

G4G and Tinamarie 


  1. Love this! I was in Academy just two days ago going for my AAS in Firefighting and EMS. I had to drop out because well personal reasons and someone else .... now I realize that it's not worth it. I have to do what I want to do to make myself happy not someone else.

    1. Dear Anonymous! Thank you so much for your comment! You should do whatever makes YOU happy, and what makes you feel fulfilled. Always stay true to you! :)
      - G4G and Tinamarie
