Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kaylee's Story

Hello Beautiful Strong Women out there!
     Today I am absolutely honored to have G4G member Kaylee Dalaba write a post for us today! I read this story and I was absolutely amazed by Kaylee's strength though a really difficult time in her life. I hope her story inspires you as much as it has G4G!    

     "In 2007, I was told I was fat. I'm 5'9" and I've never been over 100 pounds, but I believed it. I became obsessed with that one comment and I showed it in my actions. At first, I just started exercising more, but then my thoughts raced even more and my actions became more drastic. I started by cutting out junk foods like candy and potato chips, then I would restrict on full meals and obsessively weighed myself. By 2009, I weighed 95 pounds and people were starting to notice. My aunts told my mom and dad that I should see a doctor and my mom took me to see one. That was when I was diagnosed with anorexia. I started seeing a doctor regularly, as well as a nutritionist and a psychologist. But I didn't want to change...

Until one night, when I thought I was having a heart attack. By this point, I was used to having chest pains so I played it off like it was nothing, but an incredible pain went from my left shoulder down my left arm and I was terrified. I was rushed to the ER and they said it was just an anxiety attack, but I was still afraid. But that still wasn't enough to change me...I don't know what really changed my mind about getting help. I don't think it was just one thing, but just recently (from December 2011 to January 2012), I went to a mental hospital called Four Winds where I was treated for anorexia and depression. They were there to support me and help me get better, but it the end, it was me. I was the one who wanted to change. I was the one who wanted to get past my anorexic thoughts. I was the one who worked for it.
From this experience, I've learned so many things about myself and I'm working to encourage others to learn about and love themselves as well because we're all beautiful. We're all worth it. We're all in this together so why not encourage each other? In my mind, everyone has great potential, we just have to find it."

If you are out there and are fighting with this kind of thing, I need to tell you something right now; there is hope.I am not a doctor, nor am I a psychologist, but I do know this; You are stronger than it. 
It hurts. I know, girly, it hurts a lot. 
You are so, so beautiful, and you are worth so so much. God loves you so much and he doesn't want his little princess to hurt anymore. At G4G, we don't want you to hurt anymore either. I hope that Kaylee's story has inspired you to start taking the first steps towards healing. At G4G we are ALWAYS here to support you!!!  
If you want to start the process here are somethings you might want to think about...

  • telling someone you love and trust
  • seeking help from a kind professional
  • seeking a support group
  • *know you are not alone

If you have a friend or a family member who is hurting in this way, here are some suggestions to help you along the way. Know that the best thing you can do is love and support her. It's hard to know how to help someone you love go though something so hard, but that's what friends and family are for. 

  • *Support your friend, but know your limits; talk to a professional, guidance counselor, RA, mom, dad, or someone you trust, so you know what to do 
  • The magic words, "How can I help?"
  • Listen with your heart
  • Show compassion 
  • Offer to go with your friend to see a kind professional 

For more information on anorexia you can go to Medline Plus they are a very trustworthy source, and they come straight from the National Library of Medicine.   

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