Friday, December 16, 2011

It's time.

To all the girls who feel less than.
To all the girlfriends who don't think they're pretty enough.
To all the women who feel inadequate.
To moms, aunts, cousins, and grandmas who want to set a good, powerful example for the young women in their lives.
To all the girls who hate what they see in the mirror.
To all the girls who look at a "hotter" girl and think, "I wish I looked like that."
To all the girls who define themselves by the scale.
To all the girls who compare themselves to magazine covers. 
It's time. 
It's time we take back the word beautiful. It's time we start feeling good again. 
It's time.
It's time to stop comparing ourselves to magazine covers, and celebrities. 

It's time to start loving ourselves again, exactly as we are.
Hi, my  name is Tinamarie Stolz. I'm a college student, a girlfriend, a best friend, a Resident Assistant and a Christian. I'm writing this blog because I am so sick and tired of seeing girls hurt. I am so tired of seeing the young women I know have low self esteem because of photoshopped magazine covers, explicit pictures and ads, guys, and sometimes even insecure female figures in their lives. This blog is for any woman out there who has ever felt insecure, or inferior, and wants to do something about it.
We need to unite. We need to help each other STOP believing the lies that mean people, the media and sometimes even people close to us are saying. 
In case anyone hasn't told you, you're beautiful. 
In case anyone hasn't mentioned it, you're strong.
In case anyone hasn't let you know, you're brave. 

I want to invite you on a journey with me, and together we can change things because
No girl should ever feel less than. 
It's time to change that. 

Picture above has been taken from Google Images


  1. AMEN!!! I am the father of 3 young girls, I couldn't agree with you more. I will forward this blog to MANY. God bless YOU, your family & your ministry to help other young girls/ladies!

    1. Hello how are you? I just learned how to reply on the blog without e-mail! Thank you SO MUCH for your support and forwarding of G4G. Honestly, it means SO SO SO MUCH to me. I pray all the time for the girls of this country because I believe in them! You sound like a great dad, and they are lucky to have you! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you for taking the time to uplift those who need a boost. You are such a beautiful person and a wonderful role model to care so much about those you know and those who would be Blessed to know you. I praise God that you are in our lives, Tinamarie. Love you <3

  3. aww Tinamarie this is beautiful, i love you!

  4. This needs to be read by every girl in America!!!
    Thanks for writeing the truth

  5. Tinamarie,
    This is beautiful. :-).
    I really see potential in you to do great things with these words.
    Love you,

  6. Great job, Tinamarie! Have you seen the film "Miss Representation"? It is an eye opening account of exactly what you are talking about here. You can find it on the Oprah "OWN" channel and the film is owned by the non-profit "Strong Women, Strong Girls" for public viewings. Great job with your blog! Good luck!:)

    1. I JUST SAW the movie a few days ago!!!!!
      IT WAS AWESOME....well the reason why it had to be filmed wasn't awesome, BUT it was an awesome film!

  7. AMEN!! I am a 16 year old girl. And I have yet to change my habits of thinking negatively about myself and your blog, Tinamarie, has given me a light to follow to change and improve my outlook at life. I will make sure all my besties check your blog out because it deserves as much attention as possible for the information is so very true. :)

    1. Dear angelhugz247,
      Thank you so much for your feedback. Honestly, I am so blessed to have wonderful, beautiful girls like you supporting the blog (future ministry!!!!!!) Girl, changing habits of negative self thinking is hard to do. I know because I've been where you have been, but you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to!!!!! Being 16 is HARD!!!! But I promise that you will come out this stronger, and always know that you are not alone in this battle! I am with you, and God is with you too! You have support!!! Thank you SO MUCH for passing G4G along to your besties! Your support means so, so, so much to me!

  8. I'm sure you are pretty and that is why you dont understand how an ugly girl really feels. How can you say that we are beautiful if you haven't seen us. I'm ugly and nothing will ever change that, not even you and your blog. I wanna die soon, it sucks to be ugly.

    1. Hey Cherry,
      I know that things are tough. And you're right, I don't know you, or what you're been going though. BUT I do know what you're feeling. Do you want to know why? Because I've been there. I've been in dark places. I've been down on myself, and I've felt ugly. Loving yourself is a process, it's a journey. G4G is a place where you can start or work on that journey. I hope you can check out "Too Scared to be Beautiful" "What is Beauty?" and "Root of the Problem" posts because I think they might speak to your heart. Good luck Cherry, I am ROOTING for you!!!!!!!!
      You're Beautiful EXACTLY as you are. Even if people in your life have told you different.
