Friday, October 19, 2012

You Opinions: The B Word

         Women "are taught to soften their opinions...they fear being called a bitc* (1)."
When I first read this statement in my textbook I really reflected on it. After a lot of thinking, I believe this statement has a lot of truth to it. I believe that as women we sometimes soften our opinions in order to not hurt other people's feelings. To me, softening an opinion is another way of saying, "My opinion isn't important/good/intelligent enough." As nice people, we don't want to intentionally hurt someone, and that's a good thing, but we need to realize that we can give our opinions
 respectfully, and honestly. 

As for the second part I had to be frank with myself...I do have a slight worry about being called the B Word. I feel like if someone calls me that, people will automatically judge me, not give me a chance, or treat me different. But as I was reflecting I realized something:  I'm letting a word dictate my opinions and the way I live life. We are letting a word dictate our opinions and the way we live our lives. And it doesn't have to be the B Word, it would be ANY offensive/mean word.   

But the WORST part is the "devaluation of femininity is not only built into cultural views, but typically is internalized by individuals, including women (1)." When people devalue our opinions we internalize it, and we eventually believe that our opinions are not worth anything. I was talking about this concept with some of my residents. My resident Nina said, "A lot of girls dumb themselves down...for guys especially. You want people to like you." I think she's right. We don't let our true opinions or thoughts shine because of the fear we've developed though internalizing other people's disrespectful comments or actions.   
But I'm telling your right now...
your opinions and thoughts are too VALUABLE to keep hidden. 
The world needs opinions and ideas like YOURS. You have important things to say, and share! So say and share them! 

G4G and Tinamarie 
*Comment below and tell me what you think about this topic!        

Works Cited
(1) Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, & Culture by Julia T. Wood 10th Edition

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