Thursday, February 9, 2012

What is Beauty?

I had to ask myself a question: What is the definition of beauty? What is beauty?
The dictionary says, that beauty is "a combination of qualitiessuch as shapecolor, or form, that pleases the aesthetic sensesespecially the sight."
I could not disagree more.

"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart” 
~ Kahlil Gibran 

A lot of the time, we define beauty as something tangible; as something we can hold, or achieve.
We think of beauty as a bar we need to reach. 
We think of beauty as a standard we must uphold. 
We think of beauty as a something that can be seen on our faces, but we often forget that true beauty comes from the light inside of us. I know it's a strange concept, but what I really mean to say is that
You shine!
I believe that every girl and every woman on this planet displays true beauty because of the
 joy, goodness, kindness, love, and LIGHT
that is in their hearts. 

What is the most beautiful thing you can think of?
I think of Mother Teresa caring for the sick and dying. That's beauty.
I think of adopting my sister. That's beauty.
I think of helping others. That's beauty.
I think of friends, and family, and love. That's beauty.
I think of the cross. That's beauty.
I feel that as women, we sometimes do beauty an injustice by defining it solely upon our looks.
We will NEVER be more beautiful, than when we are truly joyful
No amount of make-up, clothing, or attention will ever make us feel more beautiful, than when we let the wonderful things within us shine though. 

The next thought that might come into your head is, "Tinamarie, I'm sad. I'm hurt. I'm angry. I feel gross inside. I'm scarred. I don't shine." But I'm telling you right now, you have talent, you have excellent qualities, you are still moving and still going, and you are going to love yourself again
*No bully, mean comment, guy, or magazine cover can ever take away the light that is inside of your heart. The light that comes from within you. It was given by the one who made you. No one, and nothing can take it away. 
You shine.
There is good in your heart. There is light in your heart.   

Matthew 5:14 says, "You are light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." I love this scripture. I love this because it's a calling from God. In this scripture God is saying, "I made you to shine. And when you shine, nothing can stop you."

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