Thursday, June 14, 2012

Power over you

You know what makes me super mad and makes me feel unconfident in myself? Those one or two people that have the power over you to somehow make you feel like crap. Maybe you have people like this in your life. Symptoms include...

  • Feeling nervous about seeing them
  • Feeling unconfident when your around them
  • Feeling like you have to impress or please them
  • Feeling like you have to be someone your not when you're around them

It's negative. 

There are people in our lives that have authority for a reason: your parents, police officers, doctors; they tell you what to do because they care or need to protect you. For example your mom might not let you hang out with someone because that person is harmful to you, or your doctor might tell you to start eating more fiber. Someone having power over you is different then someone have authority in our life. People who have authority love you and/or are looking out for your best interest. People who make us feel unconfident or less then are normally not looking out for our best interest.  

But here is the catch!!
A lot of time people have power over us because we let them.
In the past I was very hurt by a trusted person in my life. This person said and did some awful and hurtful things to me. Every time they would come around I would want to curl up in a ball and disappear. I would fake being okay, put on my "best" behavior, try on 10 zillion outfits before they would arrive, and ate only certain foods around them. I tried to get them to approve of me....I was driving myself crazy.

But now times have changed...big time. Recently my dad and I were taking about this topic, he said, "You see? You can't let anyone have power over you like that." And I really thought and reflected on it. We can't let people have power over who we are and how we feel about ourselves.

Loving yourself means not letting others control you. You are a strong confident woman, and NO ONE can ever take that away from you. People are only as powerful as we let them be. What if no one listened to the mean girl/guy in school? What if no one cared what they thought? How powerful would they be then? And how powerful could we be if we let ourselves be powerful? 

Once I realized that I was the one who had control, once it hit me that I didn't need their approval, or love, or even liking to be confident things changed. I refused to let them bother me. Sometimes it's hard, and sometimes I panic, but it's a habit I am trying to form: not letting anyone change how I feel about myself.  
I personally believe that God is the most powerful mighty thing in the universe. How did he show us how powerful he is? He sent his only son into the world to save us, love us, and show us the way. Now THAT'S positive power. Some in-law, boss, ex-friend, ex-boyfriend, or other mean person is no where NEAR as powerful as that. Revelations 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."

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